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Colin Maclean

Colin Maclean (b.1942)

High Borve, Isle of Lewis. 

Crofter; Garage Owner, Marybank Garage.


Role at UOG: Director,

First Appointed 2007


Listen in Gaelic to Colin

Colin MacleanInterview sound bite

"a thaobh daoine òg...gum bu chòir dha obair laimh a bhith a' tighinn a-steadh dhan an fhoghlam... 's gum bitheadh barrachd tuigsinn aca...'s bitheadh iad nas fiosraichte air ann ait' as a bheil sinn a fuireach..."

Colin Maclean 2016

Translation from Scottish Gaelic:  "regarding young people...[I feel that] tradeswork should be incorporated into their schooling, so that they'll  gain a deeper understanding and knowledge of the land on which they live..."

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