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Agnes Rennie
Agnes Rennie (b.1956)
South Galson, Isle of Lewis.
Crofter; Publisher, Acair Ltd.
Role at UOG: Director (Chairperson),
First Appointed 2007
Agnes Rennie (b.1956)
South Galson, Isle of Lewis.
Crofter; Publisher, Acair Ltd.
Role at UOG: Director (Chairperson),
First Appointed 2007
Listen in Gaelic to Agnes
Listen in Gaelic to Agnes
Agnes RennieInterview sound bite
Agnes RennieInterview sound bite
"Dhòmhsa dheth 's e am fearann a bhith air
a cheannach le muinntir an à it' cà il cho
bunaideach sa thachair anns an sgìre seo airson iomadach bliadhna..."
Agnes Rennie 2016
Translation from Scottish Gaelic: "For me, the buyout has been one of the most significant things that has happened in this community for a long time..."
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