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Babies & Maternity

Designed for pre or post baby's arrival - or both if you so, please. These are lovely slow sessions with plenty of time for all the shots you may want - of bump, cuddles with mum, of the little one's tiny details, time for feeding, and for those adorable snoozing shots!

These shoots are perfect self-care treat if you're expecting, or a thoughtful gift to the expectant parents, either way it's a lovely way to spend time while you're waiting for bump to arrive! Alternatively, if you're baby is already here they're the perfect bonding activity to capture those beautiful first photographs of your family. and of the delicious little details like noses and tiny toes! They are intentionally slow to allow plenty of time to get all the shots we need, whether its just for mum and bump to get comfortable or for feeding the wee one.

Where, when, and what to wear?

Location newborns shoots normally take place ay home as it is more convenient for everyone! Bump shoots can be decided between us, but somewhere that allows for photography options, and makes sense for you! Shoots are no longer than listed on the website, but please arrive on time and allow for a few minutes on either side to allow for anything that may come up. I'll lead you through the shoot, step by step, ensuring everyone is comfortable and looking their best, and also having fun! What you wear is totally up to yourselves, whether it's a planed out outfit or your maternity leggings and a sparkly top, as long as you're comfortable, it makes no difference to me!


As im still getting set up in Australia all bookings are to be though Instagram or email. Please get in touch with the shoot you had in mind and a rough idea of location and timings. I'll then respond to confirm or amend these details, and to give payment information.

I look forward to meeting you!




Duration: From

45 - 60 mins

Whats Included:

50 digital images
Optional add-ons

Optional Add-ons

Extra Time: Extra time available at $150 per hour.

All Digitals: All remaining digitals (50+) - $100

Art prints :
Five 6x4" Prints - $ 30
Five 5x7" Prints - $ 40

"Fiona did a baby photo session with our wee guy when he was about 10weeks old. My husband and I don't like getting our photo taken but she made the whole process easy and fun and the pictures she captured are stunning. Would highly recommend for any newborn shoots."

Laura Mackechnie, Newborn Shoot

Some examples ...

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